Sex Crimes
Restoration of Firearms Rights

Sex Crimes
Sex Crimes
Drug CrimesDrug possession crimes are becoming increasingly common in Virginia–and more aggressively prosecuted. Whether you are charged with simple possession or multiple counts of distribution, the lawyers at Gardner & Burks, P.C., have the experience and knowledge to rigorously defend your case.More Practice Areas Drug Crimes Cases in Virginia Virginia law prohibits both the illegal… Continue reading Drug Crimes
DUI & DWIDriving Under the Influence, whether from alcohol or drug use, and Driving While Intoxicated are offenses that are widely charged and aggressively prosecuted in Virginia. This area of the law is created and strictly enforced through statutes–the written laws passed by the Legislature. Because the statutory requirements are extremely specific and defined, it… Continue reading DUI & DWI
HomicideMurder and manslaughter are the two general forms of homicide in Virginia. A homicide, or any unlawful killing, is perhaps the most serious charge a defendant can face. The attorneys at Gardner & Burks, P.C., have defended every type of homicide, from capital and first degree murder to voluntary and involuntary manslaughter. If you’re charged… Continue reading Homicide
Assault & BatteryAssault and Battery is an extremely common charge that our clients face. This category of offense includes domestic charges involving a family or household member. While “simple,” or misdemeanor, charges are most common, this category of offenses also includes serious felonies, like Aggravated Malicious Wounding and other wounding charges. If you’re charged with… Continue reading Assault & Battery
Property CrimesProperty crimes in Virginia are often serious charges that carry life-long consequences upon conviction. Crimes involving lying and theft can affect a defendant’s credibility in legal ways long after the conviction is entered. Some crimes, like burglary, are considered “violent crimes,” and can impact employment and other life factors beyond being felonies. Contact Gardner… Continue reading Property Crimes
Serious Traffic OffensesThe attorneys at Gardner & Burks, P.C., have defended thousands of clients against charges like Reckless Driving, Felony Eluding, Hit and Run and nearly every other traffic offense chargeable in Virginia. Driving privileges are vital to an overwhelming number of people, and the loss of a driver’s license, fines and possible jail time… Continue reading Serious Traffic Offenses
EmbezzlementEmbezzlement is a very specific type of larceny that is defined generally as stealing from one’s employer. This type of theft is viewed by many courts and judges as a crime that involves a violation of trust, beyond just being a simple theft crime. As a result, a conviction for embezzlement can often result in… Continue reading Embezzlement